W3Schools HTML DOM Reference, Server Source, Client Source HTTP Response Header viewer
Simple Ajax Examples
This example sends no data to the server. The server sends back the date using the PHP date() function as follows: <?php echo date("l dS \of F Y h:i:s A"); ?>
The date is:
Square Root
This example is slightly more complicated than the Date example in that a number is sent to the server, and the server returns the square root of the number. It demonstrates how to make the response from the server depend on something sent from the client.
The processing script is called using onChange. Once you type a number, you'll need to leave the input field for the ajax scripts to execute. Other options are onFocus() and onBlur().
The square root is:
This example demonstrates the asynchronous nature of ajax, including three independent 5 second timers. Press a button and it will become disabled. Then 5 seconds later it will become reenabled. The timer executes on the host which delays the response for 5 seconds. Note that three different request objects are required to keep the three buttons independent. Try "overlapping" the timers.
This example uses POST instead of GET to send the two addends.
The sum is:
This example retrieves multiple pieces of information from the server: a name, street address, city, state and zip for an individual, in XML format.
The text address is:
The XML address is:
city, state zip
Notes: Sending XML
This example does something completely useless, but in an interesting way. It sends a list of abbreviations and full names of states in XML format to the server, which sends the information back in JSON format. The browser then displays the data on the screen.