Wordpress Blog
My "Blog"
This web site has a functioning Wordpress blog using a very simple custom theme entitled "aint_got_no_style". The theme has minimal style and maximum function. To make your own custom theme start with aint_got_no_style, strip away the functionality that you don't want, then add your own styles to style.css.
Although this is a functioning blog, I don't blog! It's there so you can see how the theme looks and feels.
See the blog in action... Get aint_got_no_styleBackground
Q: What is the stuff below?
A: This is a VERY simple custom Wordpress theme. It has almost no styling, but a maximum amount of function. It is used to help theme developers understand Wordpress functionality and how to construct a real theme.
Q: What exactly is shown below?
A: The code in the files below shows the minimum number of files that you need for a custom theme.
Q: Why would I want this theme?
A: You'd never use this theme for a real blog. You can start with this theme to make your own theme, or if you're having problems with your real theme you can switch to this one to try and see what's going on.
Q: What is unique about this theme?
A: This theme utilizes many of the functions from the Wordpress reference, moreso than would be used in a real blog. You can use this theme to see what you could use in your blog, and then incorporate only those function that you find interesting.
How do I use aint_got_no_style?
To use the theme, do the following:
- Obtain a web host that supports Wordpress
- Install Wordpress on your host
- On your host, navigate to
/wp-content/themes - Create a directory called aint_got_no_style
- Place the files from aint_got_no_style.zip in the aint_got_no_style directory
- Navigate to
/wp-admin and login to Wordpress - Choose Appearance from the Wordpress Dashboard
- Choose Themes under Appearance
- Activate the Ain't Got No Style theme
Wordpress includes default files to implement an entire blog, without changes. If all you do is install Worpress on your hosting account you will have a functioning blog.
However, many people would prefer to make their own theme. This is done by creating your own PHP files and putting them into the custom theme. But many of the available example custom themes come with many extra files, making learning difficult. The files below show the minimum number of files to make a practical custom theme. The files are:
screenshot.png - An image file that shows a screnshot of your blog.
style.css - A single CSS style sheet used to define the look of your theme. The other files (written in PHP) define the function of your theme.
index.php - This is the main file that gets called when someone invokes your blog. It is responsible for showing the header of your page, the posts, any comments for a post (if you're viewing one post), the sidebar to select other posts, and the footer.
header.php - A file that contains the HTML that will be sent at the top of each page.
comments.php - Controls the display of comments.
sidebar.php - Controls the appearance of the sidebar, which can allow the user to choose different post categories, choose posts by months, or show widgets, among other things.
footer.php - This is the complement to header.php, and controls the HTML that governs the bottom of each page.
functions.php - The functions.php file is optional but is necessary if you want to include widgets. You should include it, as-is, in case you care to use widgets. There is no harm in having it.
Note that although some functions are used in specific files, you can very well move them to other files.